PERSONAL REVELATIONS OF 2003 I am in my middle errors waiting in line to migrate the incurable shadow of a dog follows me everywhere I am fond of migration especially if it involves being pardoned and anesthesia the best anesthesia is of course evening on which I spread out my books to relax them evening is a giant shadow that overwhelms the shadow of a dog but it is still incurable the number of my errors is always half of itself and the hours I had counted on to move up in line have been startled into flight and leave together in a flock of one mind glossy in the sun inside the day given it my life comments on its time morning ( a ladder of actions ) evening in my mind I am lying on a beach of pardons listening to water yelling for more water and looking at an invitation to a reunion of errors and the return is a long way off from staying put or staying apart but I get up and start walking as if I were the dog or incurable
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