NOSTALGIA the rain is an empty city each drop a building evacuated its stairways uninhabitted by echoes its doors and windows useless for keeping anything out or in each as it falls standing in relation to other drops nearby each one composed as if it were thought of only by itself or perhaps designed with just its near neighbors in mind but the many drops crowded together form a gigantic pattern as though this pattern as a whole was foreseen and enacted but each drop knows only those near it and nothing lives in any of them the rooms are empty the roofs are empty the streets and squares hold no one and there is no one in a hurry or with time on his hands there are no glances no quiet agreements to slip away together no first disturbing signs of an illness no firm deals made no great bargains or agreements to buy later no betrayals or bitter arguments between old friends no one is there to love or to lean against when one is tired of all the activity of the day in fact one is not there oneself one has been emptied as the city has been emptied as if one had never existed as if no as if that included the hypothetical possibility of one's imagined existence or extinction had ever been uttered as if the one certainty left is a zero in place of an I and in such a city whose citizens have reached such a peak of non-existence the streets broaden a little new buildings are not constructed old ones fall through the wider spaces between what still stands a fresh wind is blowing it parts the buildings or we should be honest the raindrops further the sun comes down these channels like an ancient triumph the onlookers crowd closer to see the chained slaves and elephants the sun is filling all the space now one can only feel nostalgia for the stark uninhabitation one has lost standing there thinking of it crowded by the sun and all those who go by never having even heard of the empty city
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