A SUNDAY NIGHT SERMON FOR DAVID BAKER The first step is to listen, then take half steps to resolve. Moving outside pure colors, we get displacement, the surprise to make music. Our approach is from below-- density and lack of density, permissable and desirable inversions and other choices. Rootless voicings placed in the left hand allow for extension, change of direction. Delaying arrival, we ascend and return the same way. Practicing all the qualities above our ear is relieved of its burden, there is recognition of the things we know: the use of silence, the wheel, something other than the first beat, what is derived from the diminished. The player should not close his ears. The line is ending. Balance restored by the previous rules, make sure the line resumes its descent. Feel time. Double time. Listen. Imitate. Learn. Play. We have chosen a problem and solved it by taking it apart. Back to the origin. The line is ending. Restore balance. The line is ending.
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