The sad mailbox of my extreme youth, what did it ever deliver? The only...

Pick up your socks. Clean the house once in a while. Go to the dentist. ...

Piles and piles of books, boxes of documents, photographs, bones, shreds of clothes...

I was just enough bigger that I could wrestle you into the clean straw of the mow...

I spread my smooth water like a lap and caught the trees' faces where they fell...

Dear Eric,

We call your attention to worms. Though sweeping ice age disaster 
once nearly wiped them out, they have inched back from that brink 
in brainless trillions. They taught deep sleep to their cocoony 
babes, learned slow moving and how to live on rot and dung. 
Nowadays they flourish wherever men have settled, and the rope-like 
twisting of their copulation loosens the dirt to hold more excrement 
and the dead.

In the dense gardens of Indonesia worms sing all night in bird-like 
tones. The worms of Oregon smell like fragrant trillium. Think of 
the miracles that so transformed their slurping throats and dank 
inhuman hide.

Make these miracles yours. What do you hold or hope to gain 
that betters the wealth of worms? Our teaching and our plans 
for you will let you lie with worms as one of them. Accept our 
help, our sympathy, and expert advice.

The Worm Council