The sad mailbox of my extreme youth, what did it ever deliver? The only...

Pick up your socks. Clean the house once in a while. Go to the dentist. ...

Piles and piles of books, boxes of documents, photographs, bones, shreds of clothes...

I was just enough bigger that I could wrestle you into the clean straw of the mow...

I spread my smooth water like a lap and caught the trees' faces where they fell...

Dear Eric,

Here where we live the lines are down and the surprises build 
into snowbanks above us. Each day changes our condition, 
but still the lines are down. Don't send help. Help gets lost.

If you could be here and see with the absolute clarity our 
distances give, your knees would melt, your heart freeze. We 
have your rain, we have your heat and cold, and we have the 
wind we send to you.

In early daylight, soon, some animal that knows you will turn 
its nose to catch that wind. It will come stalking in your dreams.

The Others