The sad mailbox of my extreme youth, what did it ever deliver? The only...

Pick up your socks. Clean the house once in a while. Go to the dentist. ...

Piles and piles of books, boxes of documents, photographs, bones, shreds of clothes...

I was just enough bigger that I could wrestle you into the clean straw of the mow...

I spread my smooth water like a lap and caught the trees' faces where they fell...

Dear Eric,

East across low muddy fields and behind the screening trees you 
can see smoke from my chimney. The same thick creek that floods 
your lawn makes a turn by my porch.
Someone full of knowledge built this house. Walls join like 
bone to gristle, the foundation is a syllogism of stone. 
It is private. No lane leads here from the road. Twisted 
woods keep out visitors on foot. There are no doors and the 
windows will not yield to any bashing I can muster.

I have lived here who knows how long, ever since I met the 
one who said "Come with me; I will show you something secret 
and perfect . . ."

Old Neighbor